We are this

  • Network redundancy using physically distributed routes.
  • Cooperation with all national operators. Also, cooperation with leading telecommunications operators in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia, Kazakhstan and China.
  • Elcat’s own digital core network stretching over 2.5 thousand km, deployed on the basis of SDH and DWDM technologies, ensures complete coverage of the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • Cache servers of the most popular and in-demand resources like: Google, YouTube, Gmail, Google Maps, GoogleApps, Facebook, WorldofTanks, CDN are placed on the platform of ElCat Company;
We are this

Why it is beneficial to cooperate with us

Advanced technologies

  • Elcat’s own digital core network stretching over 2.5 thousand km, deployed on the basis of SDH and DWDM technologies, ensures complete coverage of the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • Advanced SDH and DWDM technologies are employed. The current trunk capacity of the network is 120 Gbps with 1+1 configuration and with possible further expansion up to 1.6 Tbps without interrupting the communication line.
  • Using high-tech equipment such as Cisco, Juniper, Huawei, ZTE, PacketLight.
  • Important MPLS nodes have two or more backup routes.

Our Services

  • IPTransit
    Transit traffic and access to the Internet on the basis of its own backbone network at speeds up to 100 Gbit / s. Direct connectivity with traffic exchange sites in Russia and abroad MSK-IX, DataIX, Level3, Facebook, HomeIXetc and interconnection with MPLS networks of international operators.

    IP Transit

    Use the services of traffic transit and Internet access based on your own backbone network.

    • Network access speed: up to 100 Gbps
    • Accession to the MPLS network is possible via interfaces: G.703 / FE / GE / 10GE.
    • The bandwidth of external channels: 100 Gbit / s.
    • The capacity of its own backbone network: 120 Gbit / s.
    • High quality is ensured by using our own backbone resources and the constant availability of free trunk capacity on the MPLS network. Network availability at 99.7% is guaranteed by signing a Service Level Agreement (SLA).
    • Access to the world’s Internet resources is provided through its own backbone data network.
    • The length of its own backbone network is more than 2.5 thousand km.
    • More than 20 access nodes in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.
    • Points of presence in Moscow (M9)
    • Direct connectivity with traffic exchange sites in Russia and abroad (IX). MSK-IX, Data IX, Level 3, Facebook, Home IX etc.
    • Interconnection with MPLS networks of international operators


      Service Advantages

    • Reliability and accessibility
    • Ring reservation of the backbone network
    • Round-the-clock monitoring of service parameters, ensuring prompt resolution of deviations from established parameters
    • Using Cisco and Juniper equipment for network construction

  • IP VPN
    Elcat company can help operators to unite their subsidiaries and network nodes into a single IP-based secure private network, supporting a full range of telecommunications services and guaranteed high reliability.

    IP VPN

    • Transmission of various data types
    • Dedicated access to the Internet


    Advantages of the service

    • Access speed up to 10 Gbps;
    • Various network connectivity topologies (point-to-point, star, fully meshed) for L3 IP VPN service;
    • A Possibility to link separate logical networks or their fragments;
    • High reliability of services due to redundancy of IP network backbones;
    • Guaranteed service quality and SLA support.
    • More on VPN services in Kyrgyzstan
  • Channel lease
    "ElCat" provides dedicated channels with a bandwidth of up to 10 Gbps. The service allows the transmission of any type of information using any protocol: IP, Ethernet, and others. Round-the-clock technical support is provided by "ElCat" services (24/7).
    • ElCat provides dedicated channels with a capacity of up to 10 Gbps;
    • The service is provided on the basis of the ElCat transport network built using modern SDH and DWDM technologies and using equipment from leading global manufacturers: Huawei, packet Light;
    • The service allows you to transmit any kind of information using any protocol: IP, Ethernet and other;
    • G.703, G.957 and other interfaces are supported to connect client equipment at channel terminations.


    Advantages of the service:

    • use of all technical capabilities of the unique ElCat in-house backbone network;
    • network length of more than 2500 thousand km provides full coverage of the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;
    • network redundancy along geographically distributed routes;
    • provision of paths of all levels from STM-1 to STM-64 with connection at the level of E1, E3, STM-n and Ethernet flows with bandwidth up to 10 Gbps;
    • high quality transmission meets international standards;
    • high reliability of the service is provided by the use of modern equipment: DWDM spectral multiplexing technology, application of ring redundancy of network sections;
    • entering into a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with a customer;
    • operative increase in bandwidth;
    • 24-hour technical support by ElCat services (24/7).

  • VoIP
    VoIP (VoiceoverIP) – one of the most promising technologies for the transmission of voice and other types of information. The service is implemented using the equipment of the backbone and regional data transmission networks of ElCat LLC using certified equipment. ElCat has its own numbering capacity.
